You know those days that you have absolutely no idea what to make or cook? Or that you just want to make something different than regular pasta? I had that yesterday. It started out as a day on which I just wanted to refuse cooking, even though it would pleasure my boyfriend to eat something not made in 2 minutes.
After walking around the supermarket together, I remembered the lovely book he gave me; a big tapas book. I remembered something with ham and cheese from the book, but also some things that I had made before, when I tried tapas for the first time.
The first time making tapas was after I ate them for the first time at a restaurant. My boyfriend loves them and wanted to take me out for dinner one day, so he thought he would introduce me to this 'new' cuisine to me. After tasting the delicious (but very garlic centered) tapas, I fell in love with them, it was like a big buffet of small things. So one day I decided to copy the filled mushrooms I ate there. It worked! Just a reminder to myself; don't give them to your boyfriend for lunch at work when you know he doesn't have a microwave at hand that same day >.< , the mushrooms are not that good when they are cold to stone-cold!
The second time making tapas was yesterday. And the best part was that I only bought two different things. I remembered what I had left in the fridge so I chose to make tapas from left-overs and whatever I have in the house, standardly. Sooo..this is what I made:
♥ scrambled eggs with onions, potatoes, pepper, salt & papric powder
♥ cottage cheese in parmaham (that is prob not english, so em.. very thin sliced salty meat)
♥ cucumber with cheese & tomatoes with cheese
♥ the aforementioned filled mushrooms with red pesto (they are better with green!!!! pesto though!), onions, some olive oil and the insides of the mushrooms that I had scooped out. All the latter parts baked in a pan and filled into the mushrooms. Then I put some cheese on top of each, and in the oven they went! 200 c 15-20 minutes, and they were done :3
♥ little pizza's made with bread meant for kebab and/or shoarma you know those little flat round breads? (pita-broodjes of shoarma broodjes) On top of that I put some pasta saus, tomatoes , oregano and cheese. I could have added some mushrooms when I think back of it :(. Same as the mushrooms, 200c 15-20 min. They're good with papric's/peppers as well :D!
The problem with the most tapas is actually that a lot are made with fish, which my boyfriend doesn't like, and I don't like the raw fish >.<. And the other problem is that a lot are made with vegetables and nuts of which I am allergic O_O. But allas ! I made a full tapas dinner without me dropping on the table choking to death XD!
Even if I say it myself, I think it was quite a succes, and so did my boyfriend. Oh and not to forget: home-baked cupcake for desert!!! :D